For over thirty years, I have been engaged in the process of teaching, coaching, and training people of all ages and ability to play the game of golf at a higher level. My students have ranged from the beginner and high handicapper, all the way to the touring professional. During this time, I have observed some common physical tendencies and similar mental reactions that prevent a player from moving through the game's different levels. I have found how the result of these tendencies and attitudes often cause a player to interfere with the natural flow of the swing and then feel the need to apply too much force to hit the ball. Golfing Inside Out and Golfing from the Ground Up with the End In Mind will help you develop the proper approach to the game of golf and allow you to understand the best way to create the dynamic motion of the golf swing. Bob’s unique insights and experiences will help you not only discover a higher level of performance on the golf course. He will also allow you to find more enjoyment while you learn to play this great game. Trippin into Santa Cruz is a novel that will take you deeper into the transformation of four charters. The Artist, Dreamer, Guru and the Obsessed Characters discover how the game of golf will teach them to free their mind and assist them in experiencing deeper levels of creativity and a higher level of performance in their game..